Rio de Janeiro

Blue Guardians Climate Resilience Project



Starting Date: 2023

Location: Pilot Area – Guanabara Bay and Guaratiba Bay, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 

Economic Driver: Engage and empower favela communities with the protection and restoration of the Guanabara Bay and Guaratiba Bay coastal Blue Carbon ecosystems in Rio de Janeiro

Pro Natura’s Role: Idealizer, Manager, Coordinator, Articulator

Achievements: Participative assessment of the territory, identification and engagement of stakeholders 

The project will be the first to sell Blue Carbon Credits to private corporations in Brazil and internationally that need to offset their CO2 emissions by purchasing carbon reduction credits using Pronatura’s  Shared Value Platform (SVP). This will assure that local favela communities and especially women and youth are fully integrated in the project and receive financial resources, training and jobs through the Blue Carbon Climate Resilience Project to protect and restore Guanabara Bay and Guaratiba Bay in Rio de Janeiro.

Implementation of  initiatives: Participation of residents in Blue Carbon training and Carbon Credits events and forums.

Next Steps: Grant applications for International Entities 

Partnerships:  Earth Council Alliance and Pan American Federation of Engineering Organizations – UPADI Sustainability Committee

Starting Date: 2013

Location: Pilot Area – Salgueiro Community, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 

Economic Driver: No economic driver/ Communities in the center of cities with low-income population

Program Goals: Creation of a Sustainable Socioeconomic Development Model for urban communities (slums/favelas) of Rio de Janeiro respecting its vocations, expectations, preserving biodiversity and local culture

Pilot Project Objectives: Creation of a Sustainable Socioeconomic Development Modelo for the Salgueiro Community (Se Liga Salgueiro Project) as a pilot to be replicated in other urban communities of Rio de Janeiro

Pro Natura’s Role: Idealizer, Manager, Coordinator, Articulator

Achievements: Participative assessment of the territory, identification and engagement of stakeholders and preliminary selection of anchor business chains; Dialogue Workshop with PUC-Rio;

Implementation of 2 initiatives: Radio and Community Garden; Participation of residents in city events and forums.

Next Steps: New Generation Hub – Youth Leadership / Beginning of the Local Development Agency

Partnerships: P&G; Light; CIEDS; PUC-Rio; Oxford University; SMAC; Comlurb; IPP; Subprefeitura da Grande Tijuca; ACIT; Jequitibá; Policlínica Granato; Escola de Rádio; Raízes.

Manguinhos Community

Starting Date: 2016

Local: Manguinhos Community, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Economic Driver: No economic driver/ Young people from socially vulnerable communities in Rio

Program Goals: Starting from the “Rio Pact”, the objective is to promote and monitor the sustainable development of the Rio de Janeiro Metropolitan Region following a set of articulated commitments that seeks to align the population’s objectives with those of public agencies, private partners, civil society, the academy and research centers and international organizations

Project’s Objetives: Training of young residents of Manguinhos – as Citizenship Promoters – on citizenship and entrepreneurship to act as mobilizers in the community, developing the territory and establishing young local leaders

Pro Natura’s Role: Coordinator, Articulator

Achievements: 10 young people trained to act as multipliers in their territory – “Promoters of the Citizenship of Manguinhos“

Next Steps: Elaboration of “Life Projects” of the 10 Promoters, Elaboration of a Project for Community

Partnerships: Icatu Seguros, Coca Cola, Nike, Cariocas em Ação , Unisuam, IEG, Instituto Afortiori, D-Think