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501(c) (3), EIN 352639755

CNPJ 31.246.721/0001-00

Contributions made to Pro Natura international are deductible within the limits established by law in the United States and Brazil.

In Brazil

Law 9249/1995 – Decree 3,000 – Donations from legal entities, taxed by taxable income, are deductible from income tax, up to a limit of 2% of operating income, before the donation is computed, according to the provisions of article 365 of Decree 3,000, of 03/26/1999 and of article 13 of Law 9,249, of 12/26/1995.

1- Donations, up to the limit of two percent of the operating profit of the legal entity, before calculating their deduction, deduction of 100% of the donated amount, as an operating expense, made to civil entities, legally constituted in Brazil, nonprofit, who provide free services for the benefit of employees of the donor legal entity, and their dependents, or for the benefit of the community in which they operate.

Step by step to make the donation:

1 – Companies in Real Profit. Only companies in real profit can make donations to benefit from the law.

2 – They can donate up to 2% of Operating Profit. Up to 2% of operating profit can be donated on an incentive basis. This amount must be calculated before the donation is counted.

3 – Deduct on average 33% of the donated amount of IR and CSLL. The amounts must be recorded as an operating expense and will be written off based on calculation of the IRPJ and CSLL. With that, of the donated amount, 33% (on average) goes back to the company as a tax reduction on top of the donated amount.

4 – The investor deposits the amount in the current account of Pro Natura International; the company must keep three documents in its possession: bank deposit receipt, TED or DOC;

Receipt issued by the NGO containing the date, amount, name and CNPJ of the issuer and the investor.

Declaration of application of resources in the model of IN SRF 87, of 12/31/1966.


Pro Natura International has the certificate status 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Services (IRS) income tax code, when a person or a company make a donation, the amount can be deducted at the time of making the tax income.

Step by step to make the donation:

1 – Complete and sign the Donor Form (Agreement and Donor For) and send it by e-mail to: (e-mail Pro Natura that will be used). Put donor form template here.

Define the amount and donate by:

– Check.
– Bank transfer.
– Credit card.

Donation by Check

In the United States, send a check made payable to Pro Natura International to: (address in the US). If you are donating in honor of someone or want to direct your donation to a specific program area, please write this on the check memo.

Donation by Bank Transfer

US account – Coming soon

Credit Card Donation

Link – Coming soon

2 – Send confirmation of the donated amount to Pro Natura International. The donor will then receive a receipt from Pro Natura US to obtain the tax deduction.

(Under American law, in the case of individuals, the deduction can be up to 50% of their adjusted gross income. As a legal entity, it can deduct up to 10% of the taxable income, before discounting the investment for philanthropic purposes).

If you have any doubt, please contact us with email Pro Natura US.

You can help us by becoming a member/volunteer or by becoming a donor.