Date: 1986 – Current
Location: Juruena, Mato Grosso, Brazil
Economic Driver: no main economic driver in the territory
Objective: Creation of a Sustainable Socioeconomic Model for the Amazon Region, respecting its vocations, expectations, preserving its biodiverstiy and local culture
Pro Natura’s Role: Idealizer, Manager, Coordinator, Articulator of Partnerships, , Coordenador, Articulador de parcerias, Implementer, Financial Engineering Structuring, Fundraising
Achievements: Creation of a diversified and sustainable economic model in the center of the Amazon – influencing 11 million hectares: Carbon Sink Project – the largest carbon well in the world; Agroforestry Model Project with 25 year cycle as an economic, social and environmental alternative for the problems of degradation of the area; Creation of ADERJUR (Rural Development Agency of Juruena); Creation / Certification of Green Cattle; Various education and training initiatives built; Creation of COOPAVAM – Chestnut Cooperative; Improvement of the milk basin; Among others.
Investments: +USD100 million
Partnerships: Peugeot, Carrefour, Petrobrás, ICI, GEF, PNUD, World Bank,, Mato Grosso’s Government